Intolerance and lack of respect between members of different faiths brings much strife and discord to the world.
The end of the year is upon them and the old "December Dilemma" has reared its face. George, the non-Jewish spouse wants a Christmas tree, and Debo...
Should we be religious, should we be spiritual? There are people in both categories but who is doing God's will right? Let's find out.
What does it feel to be in an interfaith family or marriage? Here we present to you a twisted thing an interfaith story. Read on to find out.
This is a list of books that is recommended for reading further if you want to have deeper insights into Judaism and what it has to say.
The Jewish Concept of Messiah and the Jewish Response to Christian Claims El Concepto Judío del Mesías y la Respuesta Judía a las Asertaciones Cri...
With one in four residents in the borough identifying as Jewish, competing religious institutions are setting up shop
Christian Missionary, Joel Rosenberg who promotes proselytizing the Jewish people and targeting Israelis for conversion, has managed to make Aliyah
In this post, we go through Isaiah 53 verse by verse to understand its true meaning.
Hebrew Christian movement deployed diplomats to the 2014 Christ at the Checkpoint conference in Israel.
In this post we will read about Maimonides, the laws pertaining to the Messiah and find out what really are the laws. Read on to find out.
“How do we know that G-d hears our prayers and forgives us on Yom Kippur, especially since we no longer have the Holy Temple and the sacrificial sy...
A growing movement of solidarity and support for Israel and the Jewish people has emerged from within the ranks of Evangelical Christianity, and th...
Giving money to houses of prostitution does not bless the prostitute, and giving money to build Israel’s anti-Christ Judaism or secular society is ...
The Tenth of Tishrei, the date of Yom Kippur, marks the anniversary of when Moshe (Moses) descended from Mount Sinai for the second time, following...
The reference to Matzah and the "piercing" of Jesus is based on a conscious tampering of the original verse in Psalms 2:17, from the word " KAARI" ...
Ask virtually anyone: "Was Jesus' Last Supper a Passover seder?" and the response is likely to be "Of course!
Isaiah 53 is the fifty-third chapter of the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible. It is said that the chapter talks about Jesus, or does it? Let's fi...
A destructive cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea, or thing and employing uneth...
Messianic Visions, a 13 million dollar a year missionary group targeting Jews for conversion, continues to expand their reach into the Jewish commu...
The staff shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh arrives, and his will be an assembly of nations
What is known as double-edged evangelical embrace? Find out in this interesting post that tells us what is the true nature of this embrace?
Many Christians have a very difficult time understanding how it is possible for Jewish people to study their Bible and fail to see it pointing to J...
Kosher Jesus book review. Shmuley Boteach sets the stage by describing the strong overtures of Christian love towards Israel and the Jewish people.
Judaism and Christianity are two different belief systems, with different opinions on the totality of scripture
While no doubt reveling in all the attention his recent book is receiving, Shmuley Boteach has begun feeling the heat of scrutiny that it and he ar...