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Lessons from an Lapsed Skydiver

In this question and answer article, we find out if God is trying to tell you something through His actions. Read on to know more.

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A Tale of Two Mountains

In this post, Rabbi YY Jacobson, tells us about the tale of two mountains. Read on to find out what is the story behind the two mountains.

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Ask The Rabbi: Why Don't Women Just Say It?

Last week you wrote that women are relationship beings, and men are loners. Well if women are such relationship experts, why can't my wife communic...

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Question of the Week: Palm Reading and Horoscopes

What is Judaism's take on looking into our future? What does Judaism say about Palm reading and Horoscopes? Is it possible to know our destiny? Let...

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Israel’s Relationship with God

It wasn’t always this easy to be a Jew in a Christian country. In the 21st century, the Church’s age-old desire for the soul of the Jew can only fi...

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Jesus In The Talmud

This article has been republished with permission. Written by Gil Student, this article discusses the topic of Jesus in the Talmud. Read on.

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The Jesus Narrative In The Talmud

There are four main passages in the Talmud that are alleged by some to discuss the story of Jesus' life and death. Let's find out more in this post.

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What Are You Smoking?

I read an article by a professor in Israel who suggests that the revelation at Mt Sinai was actually a drug-induced hallucination. I thought it was...

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Who Owns Judaism?

Why the Desert Was the Most Suitable Space for Torah The Desert This week's Torah portion, named "Bamidbar," which means "in the desert," is ...

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Why don't Jews put flowers by a grave?

Why don't Jews put flowers by the grave? Have you ever wondered what might be the answer to this? Let's find out in this post.

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Is Your Religion the True One?

Is your religion the true one? Is there anything like that? Find out more in this post where Rabbi answers the question of the week.

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Is Prayer a Waste of Time?

I have a lot of trouble praying. I sit in synagogue and as soon as I start to read the words, my mind wanders. Even when I read the English I find ...

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What Should I Say to a Mourner?

A friend recently lost his father, but I haven't gone to visit. I have all types of excuses, like maybe he wants to be left alone, and I'm not so c...

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Question of the Week: What does G-d look like?

My kids keep asking me theological questions I can't answer. Yesterday my five year old insisted he wanted to know "What does G-d look like?" I had...

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Anti-Gravity Chair Weighed Me Down

Our home is user friendly. We love to host visitors and guests. So it was a no-brainer to redo our backyard with a nice sitting patio. But the expe...

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Matzah Scam Rocks Israel

Growing up in New York in the ‘50s I was naïve to scam artists. We knew to respect our parents and be helpful to our neighbors. The police were her...

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Question of the Week: Is Prayer a Waste of Time?

I have a lot of trouble praying. I sit in synagogue and as soon as I start to read the words, my mind wanders. Even when I read the English I find ...

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Is Intermarriage Good for the Jews?

In this post, find out if intermarriage is good for the Jews? Was it of any help for Esther to intermarry? Should you give up your Jewishness?

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What religion is the child?

Dad Faces Jail Time for Taking Jewish Daughter to Catholic Church

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Saved: A young Jewish man gets ensnared in the welcoming community of Messianic Jews.

Saved: A young Jewish man gets ensnared in the welcoming community of Messianic Jews.

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Diane Benscoter's revealing talk on being a Moonie and how cult thought can lead people to do the unthinkable.

Diane Benscoter's revealing talk on being a Moonie and how cult thought can lead people to do the unthinkable.

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Ex-Moonie Diane Benscoter: How cults think

Diane Benscoter talks about how she joined the Moonies -- and stayed for five long years. She shares an insider's perspective on cults and extremis...

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What every business can learn from spaghetti sauce?

Malcolm Gladwell is a staff writer for The New Yorker, and best-selling author of The Tipping Point and Blink. In this talk, filmed at TED2004, he ...

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Was the Airplane Terrorist Brainwashed?

Last week’s failed terrorist plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight has police and airline personnel beefing up security, and 5s wondering how...

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Israel’s Relationship with God

It wasn’t always this easy to be a Jew in a Christian country. In the 21st century, the Church’s age-old desire for the soul of the Jew can only fi...

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Skinheads Get Scammed Too

In July of 1993, the FBI arrested eight members of the Fourth Reich Skinheads. The group's members had been plotting to attack several racially sym...

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Critical Thinking and the Talmud

By Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz In August 2000, Senator Joe Lieberman was selected as the nominee for Vice President of the United States of American ...

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A Vacuum Yet To Be Filled

During the years I followed Christianity/Messianic Judaism, my neshamah was still reaching out for authentic Jewish things. I loved spending time i...

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The Foundation of Scripture

It is 2000 years now that Christians have been striving to persuade the Jewish people to join them in their faith. And it is for 2000 years that Je...

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Ask the Rabbi: Evolution vs Creation

What is the story of our evolution? What is this debate about evolution vs creation? Should we accept Darwin's theory? Let's Ask The Rabbi.

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