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The Hidden World

Our sages teach, “All the festivals are destined to be nullified [in the Messianic age], but the days of Purim will never cease to be observed.” (M...

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Struggling With God

David Hazony’s recent book The Ten Commandments reveals that while most people feel strongly about the commandments, few are actually able to enume...

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How do I respond?

Steps if you are approached by a Missionary

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - A Final Word

In this book we have tried, sincerely and respectfully, to explain the Jewish point of view concerning Jews who have embraced or are thinking of em...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - Suggestions for Further Reading

Here is a list of suggestions that you could use for further reading on the topic - Jews and Jewish Christianity

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - The Forgiveness of Sin

What is the forgiveness of sin in Judaism? What about Jewish christianity? How does atonement work? Is there a set rule that needs to be followed?

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - Jesus and God

The claim that Jesus was the Messiah is one of the beliefs separating Judaism from Christianity. We have explained the Jewish understanding of the ...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - On Jews, Gentiles, and “Jewish Christians

In the chapter dealing with the divinity of Jesus, we explained that for a Jew to believe that Jesus was God constitutes idolatry, while the same t...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - “Proofs” of Christianity in the Hebrew Bible

“Jewish Christians” invariably emphasize the existence of proofs in the Hebrew Bible for everything they believe about Jesus. It is this claim that...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - Introduction

You were born a Jew. You may have gone to Hebrew school for some years and had a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah. Whether you had a good Jewish educat...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - Jesus and the Messiah

Let us begin with the fundamental belief that Jesus was – and is – the Messiah. Since the very word Christ means Messiah, this belief lies at the h...

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Jews and Jewish Christianity - Preface to The First Printing

Jews And “Jewish Christianity” A Jewish Response to the Missionary Challenge by David Berger and Michael Wyschogrod

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What is the Jewish view on Interfaith debates?

R. Moshe Feinstein, in a set of halakhic letters penned in 1967 to R. Yosef B. Soloveitchik of Boston and to Dr. Bernard Lander (Igr. Moshe YD 3:43...

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How many messianic Jews are there?

Messianic Judaism erroneously claims to be a branch of Judaism and presents itself as a bridge between Judaism and Christianity. So how many of the...

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Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult - Part 2

Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult (Kabbalah) Part Two: In the Beginning Radar’s investigation of the Kabbalah Centre continues, focusing on fou...

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Glossary of Personalities

This post lists a Glossary of Personalities who have a Jewish philosophy. These include several prominent names such as Rabbi Akiva, Vilna Gaon.

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Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult - Part 4

Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult (Kabbalah) Part Four: There’s No Profit Like Non-Profit

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Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult - Part 3

Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult (Kabbalah) Part Three: Madonna’s Magical Mystical Tour Demi! Ashton! Marla! Roseanne! When it comes to attrac...

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Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult - Part 1

A four-month Radar investigation reveals how a renegade rabbi and his striver wife ended up atop a multi-million-dollar empire built on bracelets, ...

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Chanukah coincides each year with the reading of the story of Joseph in the cycle of weekly Torah portions. Our sages have discovered numerous conn...

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Honesty To Battle the “Alt-Right”

We also know that actions speak louder than words. If we campaign daily to do a good deed for someone and ask the person to pay it forward, we can ...

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The New Testament - Some Call It Jewish

Is the New Testament Jewish? Let’s find out in this post.

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Why Jews Cannot Accept the New Testament

For centuries, Christians have asked why Jews don’t accept the authenticity of the New Testament. Let’s explore in depth one of the many reasons, n...

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The following article - a report on our very successful "Just say Know" seminar - appeared in the "South African Jewish Report" on Friday, 6th Octo...

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The Jewish Community and The Non-believer

What is the connection between the Jewish community and the non-believer? Let's find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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Was there a Resurrection of the Dead when Jesus Died?

When Jesus died, was there a resurrection of the dead? Let's find out.

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The Silent Holocaust - Rescuing Russian Jews

In today's evangelical crusade for Jewish souls, missionaries have found one particularly vulnerable segment of our community. Unlike Jews in the W...

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Can you help clarify the Jewish concept of "Satan" for me?

What is the jewish concept of Satan? We find out in this interesting post by Rabbi Michael Skobac. Read on...

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Perishing through Ignorance

For many Jews, it is difficult to imagine anyone becoming a Hebrew-Christian. What kind of people are most vulnerable to the missionary appeal? Th...

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I am Jewish, my Spouse is Not.

What happens if I am Jewish and my spouse is not. Find your answers here. For further questions and enquiries, email us at ask@jewsforjudaism.org

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