Jesus, the man, is said to be the mediator between God and men. Paul writes, “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the ...
John quotes Jesus as saying: “I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am” (John 14:28). Is this coequality within the Trinit...
Continued from Part 2 Similarly, when asked if he would “at this time” restore the kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6) Jesus replied: “It is not for yo...
PART 1: INTRODUCING THE PROBLEM The notion of a triune deity In trinitarian Christian belief there are three conscious personalities existing i...
As mentioned above a verse by verse explanation of how the people of Israel are the fulfillment the Suffering Servant prophecy can be found in Isai...
Continued from Part 28 Jesus and the spoils of war shared with the mighty. What portion did Jesus share with the great, what spoil did he divid...
Continued from Part 27 The servant’s rewards for faithfulness to God In verse 12, God speaks of the servant, who, as a result of his selflessness,...
53:10: “he shall see seed” Zer‘a The expression in the verse is “see seed” (yireh zer‘a) and appears only here. The absence of a possessive pro...
53:10: “he shall prolong days” The concept of prolonging of days and that of gaining eternal life: The differences: The concept of a prolonge...
ISAIAH 53:11 53:11: “From the labor of his soul he shall see; he shall be satisfied.” Christian commentators claim that the life’s work of Je...
ISAIAH 53:12 53:12: “I will divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the mighty” There is a great divide betwe...
53:9: “neither was there any deceit in his mouth” The issue of Jesus’ deceitful behavior Is there any indication that Jesus was deceitful to fr...
Jesus and his philosophy of violence Jesus was not adverse to using violence and held no general principle against violent action. If Jesus was tr...
A medley of secrets, lies and deception Knowing that Elijah must precede the Messiah (Malachi 3:1, 23), Jesus claimed that John the Baptist was El...
ISAIAH 53:10 53:10: “If he would offer himself as a guilt-offering” The suffering servant as a guilt-offering Following the initial declarat...
Making the unsuitable suitable New Testament style It is alleged that Jesus was spiritually pure and sinless and that his supposed sacrificial dea...
Did Jesus suffer vicariously for the sins of mankind? Jesus is often portrayed as suffering vicariously for the sins of mankind. No support for su...
This past Sunday, exactly 3,330 years ago, G-d addressed our ancestors whom He had brought out of Egypt and told them, in the 'voice of G-d,' the f...
Salvation was reserved for the select few Jesus claimed that he revealed the meaning of his esoteric declarations (the parables) only to his disci...
ISAIAH 53:8 53:8: “As a result of the transgression of my people he has been afflicted.” The literal rendering of this verse is: “From the t...
ISAIAH 53:9 53:9: “his grave was set with the wicked” The burial of Jesus How was Jesus’ grave “set with the wicked”? Many Christians connec...
ISAIAH 53:7 Isaiah 53:7: “as a sheep that before her shearers is dumb; and opened not his mouth” The silence that was a bit too loud Was Jesus hum...
The rest of the story John’s claim that Jesus was “scourged” during the trial before Pilate (John 19:1) leaves open the extent of injury incurred ...
Over 250 people attended a fantastic series of events with Jews for Judaism director, Rabbi Zalman Kravitz, at CChabadOrlando this past April.
ISAIAH 53:6 53:6: “the Lord has visited upon him the iniquity of us all” The pre-Gospel church and its developing Christology The pre-Gospel...
Did Jesus fulfill the Torah’s requirements for blood sacrifice (Matthew 5:17-18)? Under no circumstances can one say that Jesus shed his blood as...
Not by blood loss Presuming Jesus was nailed to the cross, did blood oozing from the nail wounds cause his death? The Roman method of execution by...
ISAIAH 53:4 5:4: “Surely our diseases he did bear, and our pains he carried; but we considered him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.” ...
Continued from Part 6 Jesus’ popularity in review: Do the Gospel’s describe Jesus as a person who “was despised and rejected,” or from whom p...
Continued from Part 8 ISAIAH 53:5 53:5: “But he was wounded as a result of our transgressions, he was crushed as a result of our iniquities.”...