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The True Answer Of The Father Of Jesus

Continued from Part 26 Establishing paternity In Matthew’s version of the alleged conception of Jesus story (Matthew 1:18) it states that Mary ...

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Explanation of How The Holy Spirit Is A Part of The Trinity

Continued from Part 33 Leaving out reference to the holy sprit In the opening salutation of Paul’s letters to various churches (Romans through ...

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How The Spirit Terms Is Used Improperly In The Gospels

Continued from Part 32 Paul writes that “The spirit intercedes for us” (Romans 8:26), but also identifies who this spirit is in the context of thi...

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A Single Word Absence In John That Skews The Entire Meaning

Continued from Part 23 The trinitarian argument that the second theos in John 1:1 does not require the article to be considered definite can only ...

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Is This Phrase proof Enough That Jesus Is A God?

Continued from Part 29 Can the Eusebian phraseology, “Go ye, and make disciples of all the nations in my name,” be considered as decisive proof ...

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Claims In The Gospel of Matthew To Not Be Confused By

Continued from Part 27 The baptism formula Some Christian commentators allege that the command by Matthew’s Jesus to, “Go therefore, and make d...

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Inaccurate Predictions In The Fourth Gospel To Be Aware Of

Continued from Part 22 In a study made by Philip B. Harner, an examination was conducted of clauses in which an anarthrous predicate noun preced...

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How The Start of John's Gospel Incorrectly Supports The Trinity

Continued from Part 21 C. Colwell offers a grammatical rule explaining the use of the article with a predicate nominative in the Greek New Testame...

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The First Verse In John Everyone Needs To Understand

Continued from Part 20 John 1:1 It is in John 1:1 that the nature of the Logos (the Word) is explicitly stated. The first verse of John, as tra...

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Can We Really Know Who Is God?

Continued from Part 19 A debt to Philo God, according to Philo, is an incorporeal, indefinable, absolute Being without any knowable attributes ...

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The Ultimate Explanation Around Jesus As The Alpha and Omega

Continued from Part 17 Revelation 1:17 and 2:8 do not contain the words the Alpha and the Omega. In these verses the author of Revelation uses p...

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The Correct Reference of Alpha and Omega With God

Continued from Part 18 In Revelation, the title the Alpha and the Omega is applied in different verses to refer to either God or Jesus in their ...

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A Clear Understanding of The Alpha and Omega

Continued from Part 16 The Alpha and the Omega In the Book of Revelation we find the verse, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,7 says the Lord God, who...

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The Impossibility of Jesus And God Forming Two Thirds of A Deity

Continued from Part 15 The New Testament Jesus: A distinct supernatural agent Despite the distinctiveness with which God and Jesus are regarded...

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Exploring The Syncretic Roots of Paul Properly

Continued from Part 13 Syncretic roots of Paul’s Jesus Much of Christianity is the development of Paul and his theological descendants, who pre...

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What You Need To Understand When Jesus Was Represented As Subordinate

Continued from Part 14 Subordination and subjection Wherever the relationship of Jesus to God is treated in the New Testament, Jesus is always rep...

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Was Jesus Truly The Creator? Full Explanations You Need To Consider

Continued from Part 11 Nevertheless, Barnes believes that Jesus is himself the uncreated and eternal Creator. However, he does not base his beli...

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Where The Pre-Existence Comes To Play With The Followers of Jesus

Continued from Part 12 The author of John expounds the belief that Jesus had a prehuman existence as the Word who was “in the beginning with God...

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Does The New Testament Consider God And Jesus To Be The Same?

Continued from Part 8 Paul’s Jesus: A savior but not God The New Testament authors make a definite distinction between the one-and-only God a...

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New Testaments Confusions Around Claims That Jesus Is The Creator

Continued from Part 10 Jesus as an instrument of the Creator Even the authors of John, Colossians, and Hebrews, who elevate Jesus to a point wh...

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False Claims In The Gospels About True Deity

Continued from Part 9 “I am” John’s Jesus states: “‘Abraham your father rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it, and was glad.’ The Jews therefore s...

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The Division of The Divine Essence Misunderstood In The Gospel of John

Continued from Part 7 God: undivided and without equal How did John’s Jesus view the possibility of a division in the divine essence? Chapter 17 o...

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A Verse In John 8 You Don't Want To Miss

Continued from Part 6 John’s Jesus states: “Even in your Law it has been written, that the testimony of two men is true [i.e., valid or admissib...

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Where The New Testament Refutes The Christian Trinity

PART 2: THE PROBLEM OF THE SON The Master and the servant There are many New Testament passages that refute the Christian doctrine of the Trini...

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How Could Jesus Still Be All Knowing After His Resurrection?

Continued from Part 2 Similarly, when asked if he would “at this time” restore the kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6) Jesus replied: “It is not for yo...

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Incorrect Claims That Jesus And God Are Equal You Need To Know

Paul states “that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11). Some Trinitarian Christians allege this shows that Paul...

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Coequality Necessities Within The Trinity

John quotes Jesus as saying: “I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am” (John 14:28). Is this coequality within the Trinit...

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Where Christian Beliefs of The Trinity Are Incorrect

PART 1: INTRODUCING THE PROBLEM The notion of a triune deity In trinitarian Christian belief there are three conscious personalities existing i...

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The Ultimate Question of Who Is The One True God

Jesus, the man, is said to be the mediator between God and men. Paul writes, “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the ...

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The Righteous One Is Not Who Or What You Think

As mentioned above a verse by verse explanation of how the people of Israel are the fulfillment the Suffering Servant prophecy can be found in Isai...

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