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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Preservation of the Law

Israel’s charge to preserve the Law for future generations can be divided along the lines of static and living, or letter and spirit.

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - The Application of the Law

The Application of the Law Together, the books of scripture, the living teaching process, practical observance and the Rabbinic decree enabled the...

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Christian Objections to Observance of the Law

What are the Christian objections that have been directed against general observance of Law? What is the truth behind these Christian objections. W...

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The Council of My Nation - Scripture - Atonement

All Christians agree that no atonement can be achieved without devotion to their savior.

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Adding to The Law

We now move to the next Christian objection directed specifically at the Rabbinic institutions which are so prominent in Judaism. Moses specificall...

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - Plural Terminology

Plural Terminology An5 category of verses that Christians quote in an attempt to justify their theology are those passages in which God is spoken ...

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - An Exalted King and an Exalted Nation

An Exalted King and an Exalted Nation I recently discovered an5 missionary presentation which encourages worship of a human. This missionary work ...

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - The Angel of the Lord

The Angel of the Lord Let us move on now to those passages in which God seems to be interchangeable with an angel. In chapter 18 of Genesis three ...

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The Council of My Nation - Scripture - Introduction

The differences between Judaism and Christianity I know that you read the Jewish scriptures on a regular basis. You find encouragement and support...

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - Introduction

So how does scripture expect us to identify an idol? Christians will be quick to bring up verses which seem to indicate plurality within God, or pa...

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Identifying the Teachers of the Law – Excerpt from Council of My Nation

This brings us to the final function that Eternal Israel performs in relation to the Law, namely the identification of her leaders.

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Christian Objections to the Jewish Emphasis on the Law

Christian Objections to the Jewish Emphasis on the Law - We now turn to address an5 general objection presented in an effort to challenge the Jewis...

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - Divine Names

Divine Names Let us begin the discussion with those passages that attribute divine names to the Messiah.

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Create in God's Image

God created man, find out more on this topic in this interesting article that also highlights the Torah and mitzvot. Read on to find out.

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - The Role of the Nation

The Role of the Nation The role of the nation in relation to the Law is complex and multifaceted. It is the role of the nation to preserve the Law...

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Introduction


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The Council of My Nation - Preface

The purpose of this work is to help you understand and appreciate the belief system known as Judaism. Find out in this post.

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Where is the scriptural evidence?

Where is the scriptural evidence? We now move on to the final missionary objection to the living traditions of Israel. The missionaries ask – wher...

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - The factions of Judaism in the Second Temple era

The factions of Judaism in the Second Temple era Yet another objection that Christians present in an effort to discredit the national legacy of ou...

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Talmudic application of scripture

Talmudic application of scripture - Another Christian objection directed against the authenticity of our nation’s legacy targets the Talmudic appli...

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The Council of My Nation - Scripture - The Law of Moses

This one is tricky, because of the divergence of opinion amongst Jewish Christians on this subject. Many Jewish Christians consider themselves “fre...

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The Council of My Nation - Law and Chosenness - Christian Objections to the Structure of the Law

We have thus completed our summary of the structure of God’s Law, and the nation’s active role in bringing the Law to life. It is time we approache...

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The Council of My Nation - Scripture - Messiah

Christians view the Jewish rejection of the Christian Messiah as the most significant issue dividing the Christian and the Jew.

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Judaism and Reincarnation

How prevalent is the Jewish belief in reincarnation today? How does it differ from the Asian belief? What do the Rabbis think of it?

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The Council of My Nation - Idolatry - Conclusion

In summation we can state that the underlying theme of all scripture is that God is God and that everyone and everything else are but His creations.

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The Council of My Nation - Scripture - Idolatry

Idolatry. The Jewish people identify Christianity’s devotion to a certain person, as idolatrous.

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Eternity of Torah and Mitzvos

After the Resurrection, will the 613 commandments still apply? How eternal are the Torah and Mitzvos? Let's find out in this detailed article.

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What is the meaning of the word Zion?

The Hebrew name Tzion (ציון), or “Zion” appears at least 157 times in the Bible. Let us find out the meaning of the word Zion.

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Jews and Christmas: A Bad Match

I know it’s dicey to write a critical reflection on Jews embracing Christmas. Hearing the inevitable chorus of “intolerant Scrooge” certainly gives...

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The Hidden World

Our sages teach, “All the festivals are destined to be nullified [in the Messianic age], but the days of Purim will never cease to be observed.” (M...

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