The Jewish Insider: Encouraging Jewish Passion in our synagogues, our Jewish communities and ourselves.
When you serve God through the Torah and its teachings, this brings about great delight on high.
As the Jewish community continues to lag behind in utilizing cyber-space and virtual marketing techniques, rest-assured the missionaries haven't!
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Berlin Document Targeting Jews This past August, an international task force of Christians and "Messianic...
Who are the Assemblies of God and what do they have to do with the Jews? Assemblies of God is a part of the missionary tactics to convert. Find out...
A Jew's passion is for God. The first and most basic statement of the Jewish faith proclaims our love and faith in One God, and our commitment and ...
Under Operation Tikva, through which thousands of people in Ethiopia are provided with clean water, money for food and educational services, they a...
What are the secrets to raising amazing children? Find out by reading this book by Molly B Koch. What does it say? Purchase it and read it!
The Jewish tradition of "The Messiah" has its foundation in numerous biblical references, and understands "The Messiah" to be a human being - witho...
The Christian scriptures claim that their leader, one Jesus of Nazareth, was crucified by the Romans and that as a result of this he died. These au...
Sola scriptura - Solely scripture. Scripture alone and nothing else. This is the rallying cry of Protestant Christianity. Protestant Christianity a...
12When you come to appear before Me, who requested this of you, to trample My courts?
How to reply when the doorbell rings? What about conversion and christian missionaries? How do we tackle them? Find out in this article.
The Watchtower Society teaches that only a restricted number of persons will be allowed to enter heaven. This doctrine is based on verses in the Bo...
The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the b...
Referring to Native Americans the Book of Mormon says, "... save they shall be a white and delight some people" What does this mean?
As Hebrew-Christians, individuals seeking to know and do the will of the Almighty, you are confronted with a significant question: is the New Testa...
FInd out more about the WatchTower Society and the name of God in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal. What is the significance of Jehovah?
When thousands of Jews from around the world gathered recently in Warsaw and at Auschwitz to remember the Holocaust and pray for our dead, dozens o...
Missionaries claim that there is no salvation from sin or any possibility of a personal relationship with G-d without belief in Jesus.
On a number of occasions we have referred to the Hebrew-Christian or "Messianic Jewish" movement as a cult or cult like. Some have protested that w...
Are the accounts of Jesus' resurrection in the Christian bible believable -- or have you, like Esau, traded your holy birthright for a bowl of wort...
Now that most non-Jewish scholars concede that Isaiah 53 refers to the Jewish people... Some Christians have tried to find support for their belie...
In this post, we take a closer look at look at what the text of Zechariah 12:10 really says, what is the correct translation of Zechariah 12:10. Fi...
Was the Prophet referring to Jesus in Isaiah 53 which was recognized as messianic? Here we try to interpret this chapter that has become a cornerst...
What is the story of the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph? Is it something you dont know? Find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.
Sparks Fly as Publisher of Apostate Tabloid Converts Back to Judaism. Why the hullabaloo? Read this article to find out about it.