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TRUTH: In The Christian Bible?

As Hebrew-Christians, individuals seeking to know and do the will of the Almighty, you are confronted with a significant question: is the New Testa...

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Does Bible Prophesy Book of Mormon?

What is the story told in the Book of Mormon? Who are these two different early American peoples? The Jaredites and a group who were descendents of...

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Insult at Auschwitz

When thousands of Jews from around the world gathered recently in Warsaw and at Auschwitz to remember the Holocaust and pray for our dead, dozens o...

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One Way Street to Salvation?

Missionaries claim that there is no salvation from sin or any possibility of a personal relationship with G-d without belief in Jesus.

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Analysis of Zechariah 12:10

In this post, we take a closer look at look at what the text of Zechariah 12:10 really says, what is the correct translation of Zechariah 12:10. Fi...

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The Watchtower Society And The Name Of God

FInd out more about the WatchTower Society and the name of God in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal. What is the significance of Jehovah?

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Joseph Smith's Translation Of Genesis 1:1

Find out what was Joseph Smith's Translation Of Genesis 1:1 in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal. Was it the right translation?

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'Messianic' Newspaperman Comes Home

Sparks Fly as Publisher of Apostate Tabloid Converts Back to Judaism. Why the hullabaloo? Read this article to find out about it.

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The Etymology Of The Word Mormon

The word Mormon commonly denotes an adherent, practitioner, follower, or constituent of Mormonism in restorationist Christianity. Let us find out t...

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Watchtower Society and Mind Control

Jehovah’s Witnesses are conditioned to think and speak as the ruling body of the Watchtower Society wishes them to. Witnesses have no individual th...

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Are the American Indians of Israelite Descent?

Are the American Indians of Israelite descent? What is their background? Find out in this interesting post with excerpts from Gerald Sigal's work.

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The Stick of Judah and the Stick of Joseph

What is the story of the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph? Is it something you dont know? Find out in this interesting post by Gerald Sigal.

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Cult or Cult-like?

On a number of occasions we have referred to the Hebrew-Christian or "Messianic Jewish" movement as a cult or cult like. Some have protested that w...

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The Return Of The Patriarchs-- 1925 C.E..

The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the b...

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The 144,000

The Watchtower Society teaches that only a restricted number of persons will be allowed to enter heaven. This doctrine is based on verses in the Bo...

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Why is Israel Targeted by Missionaries?

Evangelical Christians -- those who fund and support the work of "Messianic Jews" -- see the world as being divided between those who are lost and ...

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Messianic Truth In Advertising

The growth of the Jews for Jesus and Messianic movements in Israel, especially during Israel’s 60th Anniversary, is unprecedented and an outcome of...

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Denouncing Defending the Targeting of Jews

Jews for Judaism International denounces as offensive the March 28, 2008 statement the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) that defends the targeting ...

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Micah 5, Zechariah 12 and Isaiah 9-6

A look at Micah 5, Zechariah 12 and Isaiah 9-6 and how they are mis-represented by some missionaries in an attempt to target Jews for conversion.

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Satan and the Trinity

A look at how the Christian concepts of Satan and the trinity are reflected - or absent altogether - in Judaism.

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Isaiah 53 - The Suffering Servant

An examination of the text of Isaiah 53: How it is understood by Jews and how it is often presented by missionaries in an attempt to mislead Jews a...

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An Introduction to Prooftexting - Hittling the Bulls-Eye

A look at how some missionaries misquote, mistranslate and take scriptures out of context in an attempt "prove" their beliefs to Jews.

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The Eternal Torah vs the New Testament

Is the Torah eternal, or has it been superceded or replaced, as some Christian missionaries claim? Let's find out in this audio series.

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Sin, Sacrifice and Atonement

A look at the ideas of sin, sacrifice and atonement; their role in Judaism and the way some Christian missionaries distort these to try to convert ...

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Daniel 9 - The Seventy Weeks

A look at the text and timeline of Daniel 9 and how it is understood by Jews and how it is often presented by missionaries in an attempt to mislead...

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These are our partner sites. Please do visit them and let us know if they were helpful to you in any way.

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These are our partner sites, short description about each. Do have a look at each of them and let us know if they have been helpful

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Messianics are praying the 'Shema,'

The Shabbat morning service at Congregation Sha’arei Shalom in this suburb of Raleigh has a familiar feel to anyone who grew up in a mainstream Ame...

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Evangelical movement on the rise

An arctic blast has emptied the streets of the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn, yet inside the Living Springs Family Center, a storefront Pe...

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Cozying up to prospective converts

What happens when you meet prospective converts? How to cozy up to them? Here is an account of how people cozy up to prospective converts.

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