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General Missionary FAQS

What is Deceptive Proselytizing? What is Jews for Jesus? How Jewish Are Groups Such As Jews for Jesus? and more. What are the commonly asked questi...

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Missionary Tactics

Forewarned is forearmed, by knowing the missionary tactics we can prepare for any encounter.

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5 STEPS if you are approached by a Missionary

Have you every been approached? what did you do? What did you say?

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FAQS On “Cults”

What characteristics define a cult? Do cult leaders really believe what they preach? What happens to cult members 10 years after they join? and more.

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HIstorical Timeline

The following time line is provided a perspective on the events affecting Christianity and Judaism.

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Daniel 9 - A True Biblical Interpretation

Daniel 9 - A True Biblical Interpretation

The book of Daniel is filled with Messianic illusions and calculations that even left Daniel pondering their meanings.

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Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz: Bringing Jews Back to Judaism

Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz: Bringing Jews Back to Judaism

Jewish Journal article about Rabbi Kravitz and Jews for Judaism.

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Hollywood's Hottest Cult

Find out all about Hollywood's Hottest Cult, the Kabbalah Chronicles in these articles.

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The Council of My Nation - An Articulation of Judaism

The purpose of this work is to help you understand and appreciate the belief system known as Judaism. When Constantine made Christianity the offici...

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Attach Yourself

Attach yourself to the Creator with complete love. This must surpass your love of any worldly good, because everything is rooted in the Divine.

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A Passionate Distortion of Truth

This post by Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz discusses the Mel Gibson film - The Passion. Was it really anti-semitic, does it sow the seeds for Jew hatred?

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Speakers are available through Jews for Judaism to address your community or organization on this and other topics. Contact any of the offices list...

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A Reflection on Jewish Spirituality

In this interesting post by Shoshana Zakar, we will explore a reflection on Jewish spirituality. Is Judaism spiritual? Let's find out.

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What is Passion and Zealotry? What are the differences? Is there any? Or is it a thin line?

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The Jewish Insider

The Jewish Insider: Encouraging Jewish Passion in our synagogues, our Jewish communities and ourselves.

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Quotes about The Jewish People

Quotes about the Jews by the non-Jews.

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Clear your mind

Clear your mind so that you are not thinking too many thoughts.

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When you serve God

When you serve God through the Torah and its teachings, this brings about great delight on high.

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Help me to be strong

Help me, God, to be strong and determined in serving You; never let me fall. “Do not cast me away from Your Presence; do not take Your spirit of ho...

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The Way to Love God

We should love Him with an overwhelming and unlimited love, until our soul becomes permanently bound in the love of G-d, like one who is love-sick ...

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Rejoicing in God

Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov explained that physical coupling and procreation cannot take place without arousal, passion and joy. The same is true of...

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To die for Kiddush haShem

What does it mean when you say "to die for Kiddush haShem"? What is kiddush haShem? Find out all about it in this interesting post.

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Dancing before God

During Europe's "Black Plague" (1348-1349), Jews were offered the choice of either conversion to Christianity or death. Thousands of Jews who refus...

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Master of the Universe, grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and grass – among all growing...

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Awakening Our Passion for G-d – How Does Our Own Passion Play?

We are reading about the new movie “The Passion” from Mel Gibson ad nauseum. The movie raises problems for us because Jews are portrayed as the vil...

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What is the Jewish Passion for God?

For centuries the Jewish people have remained true to their dream, their hope, and most of all, their passion for God.

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Further Study

Find out the resources that you can use for further reading about Judaism. For queries, email at ask@jewsforjudaism.org

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Even if He takes your soul

When the Romans took Rabbi Akiva to be executed, it was time to recite the morning "Sh'ma" (declaration of our total embrace of G-d's unity, from D...

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Rock of my heart

Rock of my heart, Creator of everything, Master of all that transpires, Lord of all souls Who knows all secrets: You know the holy Divine light tha...

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World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Berlin Document Targeting Jews

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Berlin Document Targeting Jews This past August, an international task force of Christians and "Messianic...

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