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What is the only biblically acceptable means of sacrificial death?

What is the only biblically acceptable means of sacrificial death? Let's find out.

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Cleveland Federation Advisory Statement

Statement by the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland's Community Relations Committee in response to targeted proselytizing campaign in Cleveland.

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Why Jews reject incarnation

What is one reason Jews do not accept the Christian belief that Jesus is the incarnation of God?

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Mary Descendant of David?

Isn’t it true that the Gospel of Luke says that Mary is a descendant of King David?

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Sign of the Virgin

Christian Bibles render Isaiah 7:14 as, "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and sh...

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Three days in Tomb?

Did Jesus fulfill his prediction that he would be buried for three days and three nights and then be resurrected? Let's find out.

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Daniel 9:25 Translation

What is the translation of Daniel 9:25? Why is it different from other Christian Bible translations? Let's find out.

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Resurrection of Jesus as fact

Why do Jews refuse to accept the resurrection of Jesus as fact? Was it witnessed by many people? Let's find out in this interesting post.

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Would Angels Lie?

According to the New Testament, angels attested to the resurrection of Jesus. Would angels lie? Let's find out in this interesting article.

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Does suffering and dying for something make it true?

Does suffering and dying for something make it true? Let's find out in this interesting article by Gerald Sigal.

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From "Messianic Jew" to Counter-Missionary - The Story of Julius Ciss

This is a story of Julius Ciss, he is also tringy to bring those Jews whom they have "converted" back to authentic Judaism.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Missionaries and Jews for Jesus

What are the frequently asked questions on Missionaries and Jews For Jesus? Let's find out...

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Baptists Declare Open Season on Jews

On June 13, 1996, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution which called for the Baptists to direct their "energies and resources toward ...

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All You Need is Love

Judaism is commonly understood to be a very action oriented religion. We’ve even come to describe commitment to Judaism based upon levels of “obser...

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Ruth, the Mother of all Converts

For converts to Judaism, the Biblical Ruth, the daughter of the king of Moab, is the archetypical personality. Why is she called the M5 of all Conv...

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Inside Hollywoods Hottest Cult - The Kaballah Center: Part Four

How did a family of middle class mystics end up with matching mansions in Beverly Hills? Our final installment examines how the Kabbalah Centre is ...

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Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult - The Kaballah Center: Part Three

Demi! Ashton! Marla! Roseanne! When it comes to attracting celebrities, the Bergs have given Scientology a run for its money. But their lucky star ...

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Inside Hollywoods Hottest Cult - The Kaballah Center: Part Two

Radar’s investigation of the Kabbalah Centre continues, focusing on founder Philip Berg, insurance salesman-turned- guru, and his second wife, who ...

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Inside Hollywoods Hottest Cult - The Kaballah Center: Part One

A four-month Radar investigation reveals how a renegade rabbi and his wife ended up atop a multi-million-dollar empire built on bracelets, bottled ...

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BYG - Missionary Campaign

The Jews for Jesus missionary organization has launched its "Behold Your God" Campaign. Their broadest and most aggressive evangelistic crusade ever.

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An Unavoidable Issue

Jews for Jesus has a slogan, "We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people world-wide." If this is the reaso...

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by Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Laureate The Jewish community is only now becoming aware of a danger lying in wait for its young people, or, at leas...

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The Challenge of Missionaries and Cults

What is the challenge of missionaries and cults? Let's find out in this post. Why do they convert, who are the born again christians?

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Is the Term Messianic Jew Scriptural?

An Essay by Gerald Sigal It was in Antioch, Syria, that "the disciples [of Jesus] were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). The term "Christian"...

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Jesus Codes - Uses and Abuses - Part 1

By: Rabbi Daniel Mechanic1 (In consultation with Doron Witztum2 and Harold Gans3) DANIEL MECHANIC is a senior international Codes lecturer and r...

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It's about Jesus - What did Jesus teach and preach?

This is a call to action for the Jews For Judaism page. Follow the call to action as mentioned on this page. For queries email to ask@jewsforjudais...

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Deuteronomy 27:26 states: “Cursed be he who does not establish the words of this law to do them.” Paul, seeking to deprecate the Torah in an effort...

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The poor man’s offering What does the Torah say concerning a poor man who cannot afford the price of a blood sacrifice? But if he cannot afford tw...

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Availability of God’s forgiveness As we have seen, the sacrificial system is a part of one method the Almighty provides for attaining forgiveness ...

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The sacrifices of our lips ̶ ̶ Hosea 14:3 The understanding that under certain circumstances prayer alone is sufficient in the atonement process i...

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