Discuss and Connect
1.10.2020 - (Torah portion Vayechi) - Kingship is the sole purview of paternal descendants of the tribe of Yehudah...
Bible & Text
1.3.2020 - (Torah portion Vayigash) - Nothing happens by coincidence, and events are guided by God...
12.20.2019 - (Torah portion Vayeshev) - Dreams and miracles play an important role in Judaism...
12.13,2019 - (Torah portion Vayishlach) - Sarah was challenged by one of her professors to explain a verse in the Jewish bible...
12.6.2019 - ( Torah portion Vayeitze) - Throughout the Jewish scriptures, many names contain the name of God...
11.28.2019 - (Torah portion Toldos) - The Torah instructs us to give thanks for our material and spiritual blessings...
11.22.2019 - (Torah portion Chayei Sarah) - Confronting mortality and building a legacy.
11.15.2019 - (Torah portion Vayera) - God’s commandments are not a burden or stumbling block...
11.8.2019 - (Torah portion of Lech Lecha) - Is faith the only way to be considered righteous in God’s eyes?
11.1.2019 - (Torah portion Noah) - The Noahide covenant is a powerful refutation to other religions...
10.25.2019 - (Torah portion Bereishis) - The plural teaches that God created man with both a physical body and a spiritual soul...
10.11.2019 - (Torah portions Haazinu & Vezos Haberacha) - Scriptures are replete with examples of the Jewish people referred to as a single individ...
10.9.2019 - ( Yom Kippur) - How wonderful it is to have a God who is loving, kind, merciful, and compassionate...
10.4.2019 - (Torah portion Vayelech) - Prayer, confession, and regret can accomplish the same thing as sacrifices...
9.27.2019 - (Torah portion Nitzavim) - It’s easy to turn the impossible into possible...
9.20.2019 - (Torah portion Ki Tavo) - In our lifetime, we have already witnessed a redemptive revelation of God
9.15.2019 - (Torah portion Ki Teitzei) - Virgin birth stories were common in ancient mythology...
9.1.2019 - (Torah portion Re’eh) - The Jewish prophets communicated God’s will that prayer can take the place of sacrifices.
8.25.2019 - (Torah portion Eikev) - The Torah’s description of a compassionate and faithful God stands in stark contrast to...
8.18.2019 - (Torah portion Va’etchanan) - Before long, I experienced an epiphany about God’s existence...
8.11.2019 - (Torah portion Deuteronomy) - Acts of kindness, justice and righteousness redirect our material nature to a higher purpose...
7.26.2019 - (Torah portion of Pinchas) - The Messianic king can only be from the tribe of Yehuda
7.19.2019 - (Torah portion of Balak) - To provide free will God created a force to oppose and dissuade
7.12.2019 - (Torah portion Chukas) - How could God prohibit graven images and now request that Moses form a copper snake?
7.4.2019 - (Torah portion Korach) - To challenge Moses’ leadership, Korach had to “cool down “the Jewish people...
6.28.2019 - (Torah portion Shelach) - Israel is breathtaking, and I felt an infusion of holiness that can only be described as transcendent...
6.20.2019 - (Torah portion Behaloscha) - Giving us a second chance is a beautiful demonstration of God’s compassion...
6.14.2019 - (Torah portion Naso) - Sanctification of human impulses fosters humility, which is a precursor to spirituality...
6.6.2019 - (Torah portion Numbers) - Even though Judaism believes in a messianic king, this individual will not be divine...
5.31.2019 - (Torah portion Bechukotai) - the New Covenant will be called “new” because it will be enhanced not replaced...