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6.27.2023 - (Torah portion Balak) - The Torah’s view of Satan is diametrically different than the Christian view.
6.25.2023 - (Torah portion Chukas) - We should direct our prayer only to God and not worship intermediaries.
6.18.2023 - (Torah portion Korach) - Miracles do not prove that someone is the promised messiah.
6.12.2023 - (Torah portion Shelach) - The Bible mentions numerous ways to achieve atonement without blood.
6.8.2023 - (Torah portion Behaloscha) - God loves us no matter how severe the transgression.
05.25.2023 - (Torah portion Naso) - Nowhere in the Jewish bible does it say that anyone would be called a Nazarene.
5/21/2023 - (Shavuot) - Like milk, we absorb the Torah, which nourishes our “essence.”
5.13.2023 - (Torah portion Bamidbar) - The New Testament changed the role of the messiah.
5.6.2023 - (Torah portion Behar-Bechukosai) - There is a history of Jews choosing martyrdom over conversion.
5.1.2023 - (Torah portion, Emor) - the Nicene Council influenced the Church’s rejection of marriage for priests
4/28/2023 - (Torah portion, Kedoshim) - Jeremiah 31's New Covenant will not replace the original.
5.1.2024 - (Torah portion Acharei) - She discovered that the Christian explanation of salvation was wrong.
4.03.2023 - (Passover) - To achieve true spiritual freedom, the Jews had to eradicate any attraction to idolatry.
4.22.2023 - (Torah portion, Metzora) - The metzora teaches how to assist those “outside the community.”
4.18.2023 - (Torah portion Tazria) - Missionaries who use rabbinic sources as proofs are either disingenuous or ignorant.
4.11.2023 - (Torah portion Shemini) - The book of Leviticus highlights the deeper spiritual dimension of sacrifices.
03.26.2023 - (Torah portion Tzav) - Turning to God without a Temple occurred when the Jewish people were in Persia
3.18.2023 - (Torah portion Vayikra) - Contrary to Christian missionaries' claims, sacrifices were not for all sins.
3.17.2024 - Torah portion Pekudei - Abel’s offering was accepted because he gave the best of what he possessed.
3.11.2023 - (Torah portion Vayakhel-Pekudei) - The Jewish people experienced spiritual revelations.
3.5.2023 - (Torah portion Ki Tisa) - Blood is not the only way to receive atonement.
2.272023 - (Torah portion Tetzaveh) - Genealogical records survived the destruction of the First Temple.
2.20.2023 - (Torah portion Terumah) - The Jewish secret of transforming a world at war into peace.
02.07.2024 - (Torah portion Mishpatim) - Rabbinical authority is based on specific biblical passages.
02.13.2023 - (Torah portion Mishpatim) - We must examine the context and original language of the Torah.
12.19.2023 - (Torah portion Yayigash) - How did wagons provide a sign to Jacob that Joseph was alive?
11.29.2023 - (Torah portion Vayishlach) - The Jewish people, first and foremost, pursue peace.
11.22.2023 - ( Torah portion Vayeitzei) - “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.”
11.15.2023 - (Torah portion Toldos) - "God blesses his people with peace”
11.9.2023 - ( Torah portion Chayei Sarah) - No other nation has an unbroken claim to the land of Israel.