
Weekly Spiritual Insights

Solving The Messianic Mystery

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Solving The Messianic Mystery

1.1.2023 - (Torah portion Vayechi) - Ezekiel contains one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the messiah.

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Who Sent the Wagons to Jacob?

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Who Sent the Wagons to Jacob?

12.19.2023 - (Torah portion Yayigash) - How did wagons provide a sign to Jacob that Joseph was alive?

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Israeli Girl Brought Back to Life

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Israeli Girl Brought Back to Life

12.27.2022 - (Torah portion Vayigash) - What could be more personal than to experience God interacting with us?

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The Secret Message Lost in Translation

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The Secret Message Lost in Translation

12.09.2023 (Torah portion Miketz) -Why did Pharaoh accept an unsubstantiated interpretation of his dreams

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Dreams, False Prophets, and Red Flags

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Dreams, False Prophets, and Red Flags

12.07.2023 - (Torah portion Vayeshev) - God may allow a false prophet to perform a “miraculous sign” to test us.

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Dwell in the Land in Peace

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Dwell in the Land in Peace

11.29.2023 - (Torah portion Vayishlach) - The Jewish people, first and foremost, pursue peace.

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Eye-Opening Debate in Jerusalem

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Eye-Opening Debate in Jerusalem

12.07.2022 - (Torah portion Vayishlach) - Solomon’s advice convinced Mark to listen to an alternative perspective.

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Peace Will Prevail Over All Mankind

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Peace Will Prevail Over All Mankind

11.22.2023 - ( Torah portion Vayeitzei) - “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.”

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Can God Create Another God?

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Can God Create Another God?

11.30.2022 - (Torah portion Vayeitzei) - Names of people, incorporate God’s to indicate their relationship with God.

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Peace Treaties and Genuine Peace

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Peace Treaties and Genuine Peace

11.15.2023 - (Torah portion Toldos) - "God blesses his people with peace”

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Do Jews Believe in Heaven and Hell?

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Do Jews Believe in Heaven and Hell?

11.21.2022- (Torah portion Toldos) - We don't taint our spiritual service with an ulterior motive.

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The Miraculous Possession of Israel

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The Miraculous Possession of Israel

11.9.2023 - ( Torah portion Chayei Sarah) - No other nation has an unbroken claim to the land of Israel.

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Abraham’s Legacy Refutes the “Virgin Birth”

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Abraham’s Legacy Refutes the “Virgin Birth”

11.17.2022 (Torah portion, Chayei Sarah) The words “almah” and “betulah” have separate meanings.

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Choose Life Not Death

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Choose Life Not Death

11.2.2023 - (Torah portion, Vayera) - The Jewish people must reject human sacrifice and embrace life.

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Unraveling The Circumcision Mystery

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Unraveling The Circumcision Mystery

11.09.2022 - (Torah portion Vayera) - Christian rejection of circumcision is surprising.

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A Story of Miraculous Hostage Rescue

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A Story of Miraculous Hostage Rescue

10.26.23 - (Torah portion Lech Lecha) - This message is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago.

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I Turned Down A Ticket To Heaven

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I Turned Down A Ticket To Heaven

11.02.2022 - (Torah portion Lech Lecha) - Both faith and deeds play a part in being righteous in God’s eyes

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A Biblical Response To A World In Crisis

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A Biblical Response To A World In Crisis

10.18.2023 - (Torah Portion Noah) - The earth was full of Hamas [violence].

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What Skeptics and Believers Can Learn From Noah

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What Skeptics and Believers Can Learn From Noah

10.27.2022 - (Torah portion Noah) - Refuting religions that claim they are the “only way” to get to God.

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Torah Insight in Painful and Horrific Times

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Torah Insight in Painful and Horrific Times

10.11.2023 - (Torah portion Bereishis) - Man alone can distinguish between good and evil.

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God Is ONE — Not Two or Three

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God Is ONE — Not Two or Three

10.19.2022 - (Torah portion Bereishis) - God is not a plurality because He transcends time and space.

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The War of Armageddon Is Not The Apocalypse

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The War of Armageddon Is Not The Apocalypse

09.26.2023 - (Sukkot & Simchat Torah) - Zechariah 12:10 describes a future mourning over martyred Jews

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The Secret to Receiving God’s Blessings

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The Secret to Receiving God’s Blessings

9.17/20223 - (Haazinu and Vezos Haberacha) - Accepting God’s unity elicits God’s blessings, as does living in unity.

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Delivering an Irrefutable Refutation

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Delivering an Irrefutable Refutation

09.04.2023 - (Torah portion Vayelech - Rosh Hashanah & Shabbat Shuvah) - The power of prayer to receive forgiveness.

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Teenage Girl Confused by Missionary Video

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Teenage Girl Confused by Missionary Video

9.2.2023 - (Torah portion Nitzavim) - Judaism and Christianity have very different views of the law.

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Evangelicals Shocked by a Rabbi’s Revelation

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Evangelicals Shocked by a Rabbi’s Revelation

8.26.2023 - (Torah portion Ki Tavo) - According to Isaiah 53, if the Jews were not rejected by God why did they suffer?

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Demanding Truth In Advertising From Missionaries

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Demanding Truth In Advertising From Missionaries

8.20.2023 - (Torah portion Ki Teitzei) - Isaiah's text was intentionally mistranslated to mislead people.

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The Missionary Tried To Bribe Me

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The Missionary Tried To Bribe Me

8.12.2023 - (Torah portion Shoftim) - Objectivity should be applied to all forms of decision-making.

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Standing Up to a Prophet of Doom

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Standing Up to a Prophet of Doom

8.6.2023 - (Torah portion Re’eh) - The ultimate proof that someone is a messenger of God is not miracles.

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The Minister’s Words Broke Her Heart

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The Minister’s Words Broke Her Heart

07.30.2023 - (Torah portion Eikev) - Jews don’t need an intermediary to have a personal relationship with God.

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