
Does This Outrage You?

You're not alone. Both the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and leading Interfaith Groups, condemn the deceptive proselytizing efforts used by missionary groups, like Jews for Jesus, who target Jews for conversion.

The Jews for Jesus missionary organization has descended upon Houston with Behold Your God, an aggressive multi-million dollar evangelistic crusade. This world-wide campaign, which targets cities with large Jewish populations, is dedicated to converting Jews to Christianity. The two week Houston BYG campaign has an additional long-term goal. Dozens of newly trained volunteers have partnered with Jews for Jesus to continue the mission of converting Jews in your community. Will you and your children be prepared?

While everyone has the right to share their beliefs with others, we must condemn the misleading and offensive practices employed by organizations that misrepresent Judaism in their attempt to lure Jews away from their faith.

Jews for Judaism, the foremost international counter-missionary organization, is committed to Keeping Jews

Jewish, and is utilized as a resource by all denominations of the Jewish community. Jewish Federations, Hillels, and

Jewish Community Relations Committees, regularly turn to Jews for Judaism for cooperative programming and our

expertise in dealing with missionary and cult groups.

Jews for Judaism provides FREE COUNSELING to individuals confused by missionaries; LECTURES AND

SEMINARS to inoculate and inspire the Jewish community; and EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES available in print and on our website, www.jewsforjudaism.org