
Do you have to be Jewish to be OK with God?

Do you have to be Jewish to be OK with God?  Here is a look at some Jewish sources:

The righteous of all nations will have a share in the world of eternal bliss. (rosette Sanhedrin, X111:2)

if a pagan prays and evokes God's name, Amen must be said (Jerusalem, Berachoth 8).

Antonius once asked Rabbi Judah the prince, "Will I have a share in the world to come?" To which the later answered "Yes." But is it not written (Obadiah 1:8): "Nothing will remain in the house of Esau?"   "True,' Rabbi Judah answered, "but only if they do the deeds of Esau.' (Avodah Zarah, 10b)

The Midrash (Numbers Rabba, 8) says: "No one can become a Kohen or a Levite unless he is so born. But if anyone wishes to become a holy and religious man, he can do so even though he is a pagan. Kindness, holiness and piety are not hereditary and are not the possession of an exclusive race or nation. Justice and piety are acquired through one's own deeds."

Moses Maimonides (Mishna Torah, Hilchoth Shemitah) says: "Not only the Jew is sacred, but everyone who is loyal to G-d and walks in the path of righteousness has in himself some particle of the Divinity and God will provide for him in time of need, as he provided for the Kohen and the Levite in days of yore."

Heaven and earth I call to be witnesses, be it non-Jew or Jew, man or woman, man-servant or maid-servant, according to the work of every human being does the holy spirit rest upon him (Yalkut, Section 42).

Whether Israelite or heathen if he only executes a righteous deed, God will recompense him for it. (Tanna Debe Elijahu, Section 13)